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All you need to know about the COVID-19 Vaccine

Written by: Hannah F, Malak E, Pranav C, Abeer A.

The article is facts-based.

COVID-19 has become a major part of our lives. As more and more people are being vaccinated, it's okay to feel hesitant about the symptoms and contents of the Covid-19 dose. There are many valid concerns and questions surrounding this hot topic. Throughout this article, the SNA is here to settle all of your worries as we acknowledge and confront the popular rumors vs facts and inform our audience about the truth surrounding the vaccine. This article highlights that COVID vaccines are our path back to “normal” as well as some facts about vaccinations.

What is in the vaccine and how does it work?

As we witnessed the government’s vaccine rollout plan pick up speed, we saw a rise in conspiracies behind the content of the vaccine, how it works, as well as its efficiency to protect against the virus. However, the vaccine’s ingredients, other than the mRNA itself, are ingredients that make up most of what we consume in foods and drinks. This includes fat molecules, which are commonly found in oils and protect the mRNA’s exterior. The mRNA, which is a genetic code that tells the body to make the protein that is on the surface of the coronavirus, allows the body to recognize the virus and produce antibodies against it. In addition, sugars and salts are among the ingredients which make up almost 10% of our food intake. Moreover, the salts in the vaccine help balance the acidity in our body. Meanwhile, sugar helps the molecules maintain their shape. As human beings, our immune systems are structured to operate in a way to help fight diseases. Therefore, by inserting a ‘genetic code’ to help produce antibodies, we aren’t disrupting or interfering with how our body systems already work.

  • mRNA molecules contain the genetic material

    • Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna vaccines

    • (J&J) Janssen uses a viral vector platform

    • Provide instructions for our body on how to make a viral protein that triggers an immune response within our bodies

    • The immune response is what causes our bodies to make the antibodies needed to protect us from getting infected if exposed to the coronavirus

  • Lipids

    • protect the mRNA and provide an exterior that helps the mRNA slide inside the cells.

  • Salts:

    • help balance the acidity in our body

  • Sugar:

    • helps the molecules maintain their shape during freezing

How do our bodies react?

Once taken, the body may react to it differently to the vaccination for each person. Some side effects include fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, chills, or fever. This is normal because your body is building stronger immunity against the disease. This is called 'Inflammatory Response'. Your body learns to recognize the virus, produce antibodies that will fight it, and remember it for the future. That process is what triggers your symptoms.

This reaction usually goes down after a day or two since being vaccinated. As your body overcomes these minor symptoms, future contact with the disease won't make you sick because your cells know what to fight.


To reiterate, research shows that the Covid-19 vaccine is perfectly safe to get, and it is encouraged that you get your own dose as soon as possible. Symptoms may cause a minor annoyance, but they are both easily counteracted and a sign that your immune system is doing its job well! If everyone does their part and gets vaccinated, we can help end this pandemic sooner rather than later.

Vaccines can be booked at It is commonplace to be hesitant about new things like the vaccine, but educating yourself and those around you with articles and facts is a surefire way to ensure that you are always safe and healthy!

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