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Is TLK A Family?

By Aparna C. and Malak E., Edited by Natalie L.

Family is a concept ingrained into every person, and it has many more definitions outside its biological connotation. Although the term ‘family’ is most commonly associated with a group of genetically-related individuals, it can also be used to identify a group of close-knit genetically-unrelated people whose deep ties are shaped by time and shared experiences, and are as strong as the permanent biological links of a typical ‘family’. For students, schools take up the majority of where their youths are spent, during which life-long friends and close relationships are created and these genetically-unrelated ‘families’ begin to develop. Since such families can exist in a school environment, then the question must be asked: Is TLK a family?

The TLK Student Activity Council

Part 1 | Extracurriculars

To answer this question, we’ll begin by examining a major contributor in creating student ‘families’: extracurriculars. Extracurricular activities are becoming increasingly diverse and essential in a student portfolio, and consequently, Gen Z students are showcasing a greater initiative to participate within school communities. Clubs unite the student body from different academic, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds and offer a place for all students to achieve a common goal. These team experiences encourage students to engage with each other and form new, meaningful relationships which increases students’ sense of belonging and assists in fostering a mutually caring social environment. For instance, the TLK Drama Club connects students through their love for the dramatic arts and the annual musical entertainment productions. Students that took part in the Drama Club’s full-scale plays have stated that while the production was no easy feat, it was nonetheless a fun and enlightening experience. Each student played an important role in bringing the show to life, whether as an actor, set designer, or stage director. Because all roles are invaluable to a successful production, students learned to work together and rely on each other, which led to the forming of family-like bonds.

The Senior Boys Basketball team

Sports teams are another place that promotes student community. In November, the Senior Boys Basketball team began a journey of huge success. The boys all had different personal goals, but they also had one goal which was to win a championship. The boys developed a caring relationship for one another and a sense of togetherness as they went through inevitable ups and downs that come with training for a major sports event. As they continued to work together as a team, we saw how their relationships together as a team developed from being acquaintances to family. After attending many practices and watching their game strategies, it is clear that their success doesn’t only come from their game day strategies, but from their encouraging words and constant motivation for each other. As they went through the basketball drills, it was clear that they encouraged each other through hand shakes and words. In a family, people push each other to do their best. Through observing the team in practice and becoming part of each others’ journeys, one can conclude that a “family” is when human beings face hardships together that unite them.


This piece was Part 1 of 3 in the “Is TLK a Family?” series. Check out the upcoming issues #4 and #5 for parts 2 and 3, respectively.

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